Thematic Topics

Thematic Topics
Human-nature relationships to support multifunctional forested landscapes, including socio-ecological approaches;
OC 1.1 - Finding the path in the forest – An interdisciplinary approach towards multifunctionality in northern forests
Cecilia Akselsson, Hanna Andersson, Marie Appelstrand, Ljusk Ola Eriksson, Maria Johansson, Renats Trubins, Henrik G. Smith
OC 1.2 - Effective Communication: Key to Advancing Multifunctional Forestry in the Climate Change Period
Marcel Riedl, Vilém Jarský
OC 1.3 - Urban greenspace for Nature, Society and Culture across diverse landscapes and contexts in Eastern Europe
Marine Elbakidze, Ivan Kruhlov, Lucas Dawson, Nataliia Korohoda, Tamari Kurdadze
OC 1.4 - Where Forest Meets the Ocean: Operationalising an Integrated Landscape-Seascape Approach in Eastern Taiwan (2016-2023)
Kuang-Chung Lee, Paulina G. Karimova
OC 1.5 - Our Common Water
Lars Högbom, Martyn Futter, Johan Heurgren, Tom Nisbet, Gregory Valatin
OC 1.6 - Post-abandonment landscape trajectories in Terras de Trás-os-Montes, Portugal
Lien Imbrechts, João C. Azevedo, Peter H. Verburg
OC 1.7 - Expert's Perception Analysis on Alternatives to Compensate Feed Deficits for Livestock during Shortage Periods in Dehesas
Verena Arndt, Jesùs Fernández-Habas, Norbert Weber, Pedro Sánchez-Zamora, Pilar Fernández Rebollo, Tom Vanwalleghem
OC 1.8 - How people perceive the ecosystem services provided by Pyrenean oak forests
Anabela Paula, Isabel Passos
OC 1.9 - The Portuguese natural resin sector: from resin tapping to the second transformation industry
Joana Vieira, Carlos Fonseca, Marta Martins, Rogério Rodrigues
OC 1.10 - Pine-based forestry deters forest restoration in tropical mountain landscapes with traditional agriculture in southern Mexico
Mario González-Espinosa, Marisol Martínez-Ramos, Neptalí Ramírez-Marcial, Ricardo Pérez-López, Vianney Beraud-Macías, María Magdalena Alcázar-Gómez, Luis Galindo-Jaimes
OC 1.11 - Charcoal production in Licuati key biodiversity area: A participatory assessment of forest management and degradation
Filipa Zacarias
Innovative Tools, Methods and Approaches to improve decision-support and monitoring systems (e.g., coupling models, remote sensing, spatial tools, terrestrial sensors);
OC 2.1 - Finding the path in the forest – An interdisciplinary approach towards multifunctionality in northern forests
Fatimatou Coulibaly, Alessandra De Marco, Elena Paoletti, Pierre Sicard
OC 2.2 - The role of spaceborne LiDAR systems for forest monitoring
OC 2.3 - Close range remote sensing of relative humidity
Alexandru Claudiu Dobre, Ionut Silviu Pascu, Ștefan Leca, Ovidiu Badea
OC 2.4 - Improving conservation targets for forest biodiversity: toward operational solutions from space
Sandra Luque
OC 2.5 - Species distribution models using remote-sensed dynamic habitat index
Samuel Alleaume, Maxime Lenormand, Sandra Luque, Clémentine Préau, Maïri Souza Oliveira
OC 2.6 - Using remote sensing to model the breeding habitat of the Black Grouse, in open forest
Alexandre Defossez, Mairi Souza Oliveira, Dino Ienco, Josselin Giffard-Carlet, Sandra Luque, Samuel Alleaume
OC 2.7 - Matching the effects of forest structure with management for predicting species occupancy at multiple spatial scales
Adriano Mazziotta, Andreas Lindén, Kyle Eyvindson, Simone Bianchi, Annika Kangas, Juha Heikkinen, Leena Ruha, Jukka Forsman
OC 2.8 - Priority areas identification and management strategies for landscape forest restoration in Mozambique
Frédérique Montfort, Clovis Grinand, Marie Nourtier, Agnès Bégué, Valéry Gond, Lilian Blanc
OC 2.9 - Hurricane Activities in Gulf of Mexico Lead to Conversion of Forested Land: Implications for Water Quantity/Quality
Latif Kalin, Dongjun Lee
OC 2.10 - Prioritizing Woodland Expansion with ECOFOREST: A Web-Based Tool for Ecosystem Service-Based Spatial Targeting
Alessandro Gimona, Bethany Wilkins, Andrea Baggio-Compagnucci, Marie Castellazzi, Faye Jackson, Iain Malcolm, Zisis Gagkas, Robin Pakeman
OC 2.11 - Landscape Approaches as operational artefacts to move towards more sustainable governance of rural land-uses in the Mediterranean macro-regional context
José Muñoz-Rojas
OC 2.12 - Towards a Forest Bocage: multifunctionality of a network of broadleaved hedgerows in a pine plantation landscape
Nattan Plat, Hervé Jactel
OC 2.13 - Functional connectivity models to inform sustainable management practices in standard production forests
Pedro A Salgueiro, Francesco Valerio, Cláudio João, Carmo Silva, João E Rabaça, António Mira, Sara M Santos
OC 2.14 - Critical biomass harvesting for policy support in northern forests
Cecilia Akselsson, Gunilla Pihl Karlsson, Per Erik Karlsson, Salim Belyazid, Sofie Hellsten, Veronika Kronnäs
OC 2.15 - Critical biomass harvesting for policy support in northern forests
Sergio Prats, Nuno Guiomar, Sandra Nicolas, Sara De Paula, Agustin Merino, Pablo Souza, Jose Maria De la Rosa, José Antonio Gonzalez-Perez, Franciscus Verheijen, Javier Madrigal
OC 2.16 - Effects of land-use changes and fire events in the population dynamics of Acacia dealbata: a hybrid modelling approach
Cristina Lima, João Cabral, Mário Santos, Rita Bastos, Eva Pinto, Joana Vicente
OC 2.17 - National Evaluation of Invasive Tree and Understory Forest Plant Prevalence across the United States
Kevin Potter, Qinfeng Guo, Kurt Riitters
Global change, vulnerability and adaptive management of forested landscapes – How to manage increasing pressures and threats above the current resilience tipping points;
OC 3.1 - Effect of mixture and management of a Southern European beech forest on carbon stocks and sinks
Lorenzo MW Rossi, Silvio Oggioni, Matteo Vizzarri, Sebastian Brocco, Giorgio Vacchiano
OC 3.2 - Impact of five tree species conversion modalities on fauna and fungi soil biodiversity as monitored by DNA-metabarcoding in temperate forests
Vincent Moulin, Michaël Aubert, Lucie Vincenot, Robinson Ribemont, Fabrice Bureau, Lucas Poulard
OC 3.3 - Pyrenean oak forests under global change - integrating projected suitable areas in management plans
OC 3.4 - How will climate change impact maritime pine forest distribution and productivity in Portugal?
Cristina Alegria, Alice M. Almeida, Maria Margarida Ribeiro, Natália Roque, Paulo Fernandez, Saki Gerassis, Teresa Albuquerque
OC 3.5 - SWAT based responses on two contrasting eucalypt-dominated catchments under different climate scenarios
João Rocha, Ana Quintela, Sérgio Fabres, David Carvalho, Jacob Keizer, Dalila Serpa
OC 3.6 - Soil organic carbon stock in managed, unmanaged, and disturbed Nothofagus forests in Chilean Patagonia
Mónica Toro-Manríquez, Fernanda Rivas Guíñez, Macarena Luco, Cristofer Mardones, Alejandro Huertas Herrera
OC 3.7 - Even Cooler Insights: On the power of forests to (Water and Earth and) cool the Planet
David Ellison
OC 3.8 - Landscape fire severity: a multi-scale analysis of the drivers
Nuno Guiomar, Sérgio Godinho, Tiago Marques, Rui Machado, Paulo Fernandes
OC 3.9 - Temporal and spatial patterns of extreme wildfire events at the European landscape scale
Vanda Acácio, Susana Dias, Inês M. Duarte, Conceição Colaço, Leónia Nunes, Catarina Sequeira, Iryna Skulska, Francisco C. Rego
OC 3.10 - Assessing the economic value of the Fire Protection Ecosystem Service in a mountainous landscape in northern Portugal
Ângelo Sil, João C. Azevedo, Paulo M. Fernandes, João P. Honrado
OC 3.11 - Bridging experimental and monitoring research for the assessment of ozone impacts on Mediterranean trees
Yasutomo Hoshika, Barbara Baesso Moura, Elena Paoletti, Elisa Carrari, Laurence Dalstein-Richier, Pierre Sicard, Stefan Leca, Ovidiu Badea, Diana Pitar-Silaghi, Anumol Shashikumar, Marie-lyne Ciriani
OC 3.12 - Unravelling bat species’ response to environmental structure and patterns of occupancy in a Mediterranean landscape
Frederico Martins, Sérgio Godinho, Nuno Guiomar, Denis Medinas, Hugo Rebelo, Pedro Segurado, João Tiago Marques
OC 3.13 - Trends in airborne oak pollen: climate change effects in Oaks Forest in Alentejo Region (South Portugal)
Elsa Caeiro, Beatriz Tavares, Irene Câmara-Camacho
OC 3.14 - Mediterranean woodlands on the edge – Road pressure on rodent-mediated seed dispersal
João Craveiro, Miguel Bugalho, Pedro Vaz
OC 3.15 - Increasing disturbance activity in forest ecosystems – Tipping points and adaptive management
Dominik Thom
OC 3.16 - Responses of Quercus ilex seedlings to combined, drought and Phytophthora cinnamomi, stresses: a metabolomic analysis
Marta Tienda Parrilla, Cristina López Hidalgo, Rocío Valderrama Fernández, María Dolores Rey, Jesús Jorrín Novo
Forest management, public policies, governance models and decision making;
OC 4.1 - Landscape transformation through collaborative approaches
Sandra Valente, Virgínia Rocha, Jorge Brito, Jorge Cunha
OC 4.2 - Collaborative and strategic landscape planning for wildfire management – evidence from Portugal
Teresa Pinto-Correia, Nuno Guiomar, Jorgen Primdahl
OC 4.3 - Poor performance of community forests to sustainable livelihoods in Cameroon: long-term impact assessment and ways forward
Guillaume Lescuyer, Fabrice Kengen Fotso, Ghislain Fomou, Félicité Bietchoua
OC 4.4 - Assessing Connectivity and Habitat Suitability of Green Infrastructure in the Boreal Forest of Sweden
Ewa Orlikowska, Jakub Bubnicki, Bengt Gunnar Jonsson, Johan Svensson, Grzegorz Mikusinski
OC 4.5 - Moving to clear-cut free alternatives in Swedish forestry
Renats Trubins
OC 4.6 - Spatial decision support tools for assessing land-based climate mitigation actions
Ekaterina Tarasova, Giulio Di Lallo, Lucia Perugini, Maria Vincenza Chiriacò, Monia Santini, Riccardo Valentini
OC 4.7 - The Impact of Forest Management Plans on Forest Disturbances in Logging Concessions of the Congo Basin
Marc Bouvier, Kenneth Houngbedji, Antoine Leblois, Jean-Sylvestre Makak, Benoit Mertens
OC 4.8 - Characterization and Analysis of Rural Property Register as an Instrument for Land Management
Miguel Domingos Teixeira, Maria de Belém Costa Freitas, Carla Maria Rolo Antunes, Henrique César Ribeiro, Maria do Rosário Partidário
OC 4.9 - Forest certification and economic valorization in Europe: main drivers and limitations
Sofia Corticeiro, Helena Vieira
OC 4.10 - Matching policy and academic practices – the case of the Montado results-based payments
Mª Helena Guimarães, Isabel Ferraz-de-Oliveira, Teresa Pinto-Correia, Maria Freitas, Elvira Sales-Batista, André Oliveira, Maria Coelho, Tiago Marques, João Madeira, Maria Bastidas
OC 4.11 - Riparian buffer zones in production forests create unequal costs among forest owners
Tristan Bakx, Renats Trubins, Nils Droste, William Lidberg, Cecilia Akselsson
OC 4.12 - Institutional structures for protecting biodiversity and preventing illegal activities in forested landscapes in selected Western Balkan countries -
Maja Radosavljevic, Mauro Masiero, Todora Rogelja
OC 4.13 - Private forest owners’ organizations adherence to policy tools in Portugal
Maria Eduarda Fernandes, Paula Simões
OC 4.14 - Prescribed fire management strategy for post-harvest eucalypt plantations in Portugal
Sofia Corticeiro, Ana Quintela, Paula Maia, Bruna Oliveira, Carlos Alves, Célia Fernandes, Oscar Pelayo, Jan Jacob Keizer, Sérgio Fabres, Cláudio Teixeira, Paulo Fernandes
OC 4.15 - Forging fire-resilient landscapes: fire-smart solutions for sustainable wildfire risk prevention
Anna Barbati, Silvio Oggioni, Eduard Plana, Davide Ascoli, Antonio Tomao, Mario Colonico, Francesco Giannino, Mauro Moreno, Gavriil Xanthopoulos, Miltiadis Athanasiou, Konstantinos Kaoukis, Conceição Colaço, Francisco Rego, Catarina Sequeira, Vanda Acácio, Marta Serra
OC 4.16 - How willing are individuals to be involved in forest fire prevention in Portugal?
Marieta Valente, Maria Eduarda Fernandes, Lígia Pinto
OC 4.17 - The effect of knowledge in stakeholders’ involvement in forest management: the example of Matas do Litoral public forest
Maria Eduarda Fernandes, Carla Ferreira, Elisabete Figueiredo, Cristina Ribeiro
OC 4.18 - Is Woodland Expansion an Economically Efficient Alternative for Offsetting Carbon?
Paola Ovando, Marie Castellazzi, Andrea Baggio-Compagnucci, Richard J. Hewitt, Alessandro Gimona
OC 4.19 - Pruning the economy: implications of degrowth scenarios for the forest sector
Paul Rougieux, Sarah Mubareka
Silvopastoral systems and sustainable integrative solutions at the landscape level;
OC 5.1 - Developing soil early indicators on Montados’ soil functions
Oscar Gonzalez-Pelayo, Helena Guimarães, Teresa Pinto-Correia
OC 5.2 - The positive effect of trees on pasture quality and soil carbon sequestration in holm oak savannas
Alejandro Carrascosa Becerril, Gerardo Moreno, Cristina Frade, Ángel Valverde, José Mariano Igual, Sara Rodrigo, Víctor Rolo
OC 5.3 - The relationship between Canopy greenness and water availability in Cork and Holm Oak within the Portuguese Montado
Danielle Rudley, Maria da Conceição Caldeira, Valentine Aubard, David Coomes, João M.N. Silva
OC 5.4 - Towards satellite remote sensing of quality of Mediterranean grasslands to support management in agro-silvo-pastoral systems
Jesús Fernández Habas, Begoña Abellanas Oar, José Ramón Leal-Murillo, Mª Teresa Hidalgo-Fernández, José García Arnés, Pilar Fernández-Rebollo
OC 5.5 - The transformation of the silvopastoral landscape of Montesinho Natural Park (1995 – 2021)
Vitor Seripieri, José Castro, Maria Madalena Silva, Marina Castro
OC 5.6 - Stakeholder-informed assessment of grassland management for ecosystem services in dehesa/montado systems
Verena Arndt, Victoria Vicario-Modroño, Ricardo Zanatti
OC 5.7 - Don't Put All your Eggs in One Basket: Montado silvo-pastoral system as a case study of resilience
Elvira Sales-Baptista, Isabel Ferraz-de-Oliveira, José Muñoz-Rojas
OC 5.8 - Potential of Bituminaria bituminosa as a new forage perennial legume in Montados and Dehesas of the Iberian Peninsula
Jesús Fernández Habas, Daniel Real, José Ramón Leal-Murillo, Mª Teresa Hidalgo-Fernández, Pilar Fernández-Rebollo, Tom Vanwalleghem
OC 5.9 - How many trees to fall: how and where are we losing the Montado silvo-pastoral system?
J. Tiago Marques, Nuno Guiomar, Teresa Pinto-Correia
OC 5.10 - Impact of cattle grazing spatiotemporal variation on cork oak seedling survival
Abdullah Ibne Wadud, Joao Craveiro, Simone Erroi, Sandra Alcobia, Miguel Bugalho, Manuela Branco, Pedro Vaz
OC 5.11 - Effects of conservation zones on the biodiversity and ecosystem services of Mediterranean evergreen oak woodlands
Miguel Nuno Bugalho, Teresa Mexia, Xavier Lecomte, Rui Morgado, Catry Inês, Rui Pedroso, Maria da Conceição Caldeira
OC 5.12 - MIXED production at the landscape level: an emergy assessment on different agricultural systems under the same management
Joana Marinheiro, Ana Fonseca, Cláudia Marques-dos-Santos
OC 5.13 - Perceived benefits from agroforestry landscapes across North-Eastern Europe: What matters and for whom?
Marine Elbakidze, Jose Muñoz-Rojas, Diana Surova
OC 5.14 - Agroforestry business model innovation network (AF4EU)
María Rosa Mosquera-Losada, Nuria Ferreiro-Domínguez
OC 5.15 - Modeling shepherds’ decision-making about grazing on forested mountain landscapes - contributions for keeping discontinuity
Catarina Esgalhado, María Rivera, Teresa Pinto-Correia
OC 5.16 - Residual signature of sewage sludge in soil bacterial communities 15 years after application
Vanessa Álvarez-López, Nuria Ferreiro-Domínguez, Antonio Rigueiro-Rodríguez, María Rosa Mosquera-Losada
Forest Landscape Restoration initiatives: biodiversity, economy and people.
OC 6.1 - Learning from the past to face future challenges: gathering expert knowledge on the evolution of forest restoration in Europe
Maitane Erdozain, Katharina Lapin, Johanna Hoffmann, Iciar Alberdi, Isabel Cañellas, María Menéndez-Miguélez, Sergio de Miguel
OC 6.2 - Trees4water- Tree based solutions for water quality improvement
Claudia Carvalho-Santos, Ana Faria Lopes, Cristina Gonçalves, Claudia Pascoal, Giorgio Pace, Ana Castro, Regina Santos, José Pedro Ramião, Emanuel Escobar
OC 6.3 - Seedballs: Exploring its potential for an alternative planting strategies in elevating forest landscape restoration effort for Sarawak, Malaysia
Annya Ambrose, Fellicia Inching Uchang, Sabrina Aslan Joe, Norsyarina Welman, Erica Medina Hadari, Pang Shek Ling, Jack Liam, Hamden Mohammad, Zarina Shebli, Happysupina Sait
OC 6.4 - Rehabilitation of Nothofagus pumilio forests in northern Chilean Patagonia
Alejandro Huertas Herrera, Fernanda Rivas Guíñez, Macarena Luco Molina, Cristofer Mardones Muñoz, Mónica Toro Manríquez
OC 6.5 - Can biochar amendment of forest fire-affected soil reduce soil erosion by water?
Oscar Gonzalez-Pelayo, Behrouz Gholamahmadi, Marjan Jongen, Frank G.A. Verheijen
OC 6.6 - Climate Resilient Forest Restoration
Patricia Maloney, Shannon Lynch, Susan Ustin
OC 6.7 - What’s the value of Seed Dispersal?
José Benedicto Royuela, Sara Mendes, Ruben Heleno, Joaquim Sande Silva, Helena Freitas, José Miguel Costa, Pedro Lopes, Sérgio Timóteo
OC 6.8 - Upscaling forest restoration with SUPERB: The Spanish demonstrative area
Judit Torres Fernández del Campo, Rocío Gallego García, Iñigo Oleagordia, Rafael García