
Oral presentations
Oral talks will have a maximum duration of 12 minutes plus 3 minutes for discussion. We are asking presenters and moderators to keep this timing precisely since our planned times are very tight, and we want to allow for moving between concurrent sessions.
Presenters using up the entire 15 minutes will not have any time for questions and will be asked to end on 15 minutes without any extension.
Please upload the presentation into the computer in the room where you will present, preferably on the previous day or at least 10 minutes before the session begins. If you prefer, you may send it to us in advance. For that, please use a cloud server and share the link with the IUFRO organizers (
Thematic Sessions
You can propose a thematic session (round table or world café) by submiting an abstract in Uevora’s Indico platform. You should specifically choose what type of thematic session you are proposing and add suggested participants in the comment field.
These thematic sessions have a maximum duration of 1h30.
We use the INDICO plataform at University of Évora to manage abstract submissions. Check below if you need help registering, or download the PDF instructions.

Poster Presentation
The dimensions of the panels for the poster are 90 cm (wide) and 120 cm (high).
Please prepare your poster to fit in this space, no other specifications are required.
Posters will be attached to the board by double-sided adhesive tape which will be provided.