Call for Abstracts

Information to authors
The scientific and organizing committee will review the abstracts and notify the authors along with a decision about the presentation form (oral/poster), although we will endeavor to follow the request of the authors. The Scientific Committee will give special attention to the scientific quality of research and to the presentation of original data.
At least one author of each accepted abstract must be registered, typically the presenting author.
Please note that the presenting author is not automatically registered by submitting an abstract. Regular registration is obligatory and implies payment of the registration fee.
The organizers reserve the right to, if necessary, limit the number of abstracts accepted per registered participant.

Guidelines and Recommendations for Authors
- Abstracts must be written in English. Linguistic accuracy is the responsibility of the authors.
- The title should not exceed 120 characters (including spaces).
- The body of the abstract (excluding title, names and affiliation) should not exceed 2000 characters.
- Indicate the name of the presenting author.
- Abstracts must contain a clear statement of the purpose of the work, the methods used, results and conclusions. A maximum of 5 keywords should be include in the end of the abstract text.
- References, figures and tables should not be included.
- Choose one theme from the list of the themes that fits best to the content of your abstract and indicate it in the form.

Deadline and Acceptance
7th MAY 2023
Abstract submission deadline
15th JUNE 2023
Notification of abstract acceptance

We use the INDICO plataform at University of Évora to manage abstract submissions. Check below if you need help registering, or download the PDF instructions.

Download instructions (PDF) or jump to the INDICO plataform to submit your abstract now.